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  • 剧情介绍:A prison bus with over a dozen criminals on board has an accident and rams another car, in which Dr. Douglas Madsen was on his way home. Most of the prisoners die. Four of them survive, one of them severely injured. After having killed all the guards, they head for the woods. They take Dr....[血屋详细剧情介绍]

  • 剧情介绍:如果你一直虚度光阴,一事无成,死又何惧呢?狗的早餐是一部爆料家庭喜剧,一家人笑料百出,定会让你久久回味。帕特里克和自己的妹妹一直明争暗斗。但是,当妹妹把自己新近认识的电视明星未婚夫带回家的时候,兄妹俩的关系进入了白热化阶段。...当帕特里克故意破坏这对幸福夫妻的阴谋失败后,他开始了更加恶毒的...[狗的早餐详细剧情介绍]

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