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  • 剧情介绍:该剧改编自以色列剧集,而且这个美国改编版也将在以色列取景。故事描述驻守在耶路撒冷的美国联邦调查局密探Peter(Jason Isaacs)在调查一名女考古学家的谋杀案时揭开了一个有两千年历史的超级阴谋。一旦这个阴谋获得成功,人类的历史将被彻底改写。这名FBI探员由《异度觉醒》(Awake)男星Jason Isaa...[千古掘密分集剧情介绍]

  • 剧情介绍:This drama tells the real-life story of retired schoolteacher Christopher Jefferies who was initially questioned by police as a suspect in the murder of Jo Yeates who rented a flat from him. He was vilified by the press, partly on account of his eccentric appearance and long flowing hair, ...[师道尊严分集剧情介绍]

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