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"Good things about Tom Ripley Could take some time. Tom is talented. Tom is tender. Tom is beautiful. Tom is a mystery. ... Tom is not a nobody. Tom has secrets he doesn't want to tell me, and I wish he would. Tom has nightmares. That's not a good ting. Tom has someone to love him, that is a good thing."


“你不会将过去放进地下室的房间里吗?锁上门,再也不走进去?那是我会做的。然后你遇到一个对你而言特别的人,你想做的只是扔给他这把钥匙,说‘开了,进来吧’。 但是你不能,因为里面很黑,还有恶魔,一旦有人看见里面有多肮脏… 我一直都想,冲开门,让阳光洒进来,把一切都清洗干净。”
