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  • 剧情介绍:克理斯(罗宾威廉斯饰)对发妻安妮(安娜贝拉史欧拉饰)的挚爱,是他心灵的慰藉,生存的动力。从相知相惜到不离不弃,在真爱归宿里,克理斯与安妮相依相伴,情比石坚。就算为了爱妻安妮,必须上刀山下油锅,克理斯也在所不辞。偏偏,造化弄人,克理斯这次真的得亲赴鬼门关一趟,寻找失散的爱妻。...[美梦成真详细剧情介绍]

  • 剧情介绍:Five years ago, Laura Alcott and eleven other jurors found the notorious serial killer Simon Bourdias guilty of capital murder, and he was sentenced to death. But now, mysterious things are beginning to happen to the jury members and tragedies claim the lives of one after the other. Laura ...[陪审追击案详细剧情介绍]