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Do you remenber in kindergarden,how you even meet a kid, and know nothing abaout him. then ten seconds later,you are playing like you are best friends.Because you needn't to be anything but youself. 还记得你幼儿园的时候吗?见到一个孩子,你什么都不了解,但是10秒以后,你们就像好朋友一样地玩了。因为你只要做自己就可以了。


But most of all, 但最重要的是 I choose the person who inspires my heart. 我找到点亮我内心的人


we're kicking off another hot summer here in Albuquerque. So, for those cool enough to have a convertible, crank up the sound, breathe that fresh air, and say hello to summer! 我们抛开又一个炎热的夏天,这里是阿尔布开克市,因此,在这里你会感到很舒适,呼吸新鲜空气,跟夏天问个好吧。


What team! Wildcats! What team! Wildcats! Wildcats! Get your heads in the game!


Gotta On My Own Way.
