您现在的位置:咕嘟 > 电视剧 > 美国 > 绯闻少女 > 绯闻少女经典台词对白

B:Chuck , aren't done try to destroy my night 。
C:Look , I should never abandoned you and i knew i made the wrong decision as your plane took off , i distract myself all summer so i wouldnt feel it but i still do
B: And ?
C: I was scared ,I was scared that if we spend the whole summer
together just us you will see ~~
B: see what ?
C:Me .Please dont leave with him
B:Why? Give me a reason , and I am Chuck Bass doesnt count.
C: Because you dont want to ,
B:Not good enough ,
C:I dont want you to ,
B:That is not enough ,
C:What else is there ?
B:The true reason i should stay right who i am and not get in the car . Three words ,Eight letters , say it then i am yours.
C:I~~ I~~
B:Thank you , that is all i needed to hear
