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Lt. Col. Gordon Tall: It's never necessary to tell me that you think I'm right. We'll just... assume it.
Lt. Col. Gordon Tall: 没有必要告诉我你认为我是正确的。我们将会...认定是这样。
Japanese Soldier: Are you righteous? Kind? Does your confidence lie in this? Are you loved by all? Know that I was, too. Do you imagine your suffering will be any less because you loved goodness and truth?
Japanese Soldier: 你很正直吗?善良吗?是你的自信心建立在上面吗?你被所有人喜欢吗?知道我原来也是那样。你会幻想因为你热爱仁慈和真理,你就会免于遭受痛苦吗?
First Sgt. Edward Welsh: There's not some other world out there where everything's gonna be okay. There's just this one, just this rock.
First Sgt. Edward Welsh:除了世上每一件事情都很好,这个世界就再也没有别的了。只有一样东西,就像这块岩石。
Capt. James 'Bugger' Staros: I've lived with these men, sir, for two and a half years and I will not order them all to their deaths.
Capt. James 'Bugger' Staros:我已经和这些人住在一起两年半的时间,长官,而我不会命令他们去送死。
First Sgt. Edward Welsh: I might be your best friend, and you don't even know it.
First Sgt. Edward Welsh:我本可以是你最好的朋友,可是你从来都不知道。
