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  • 剧情介绍:欢乐岛由:北京东方天艺数码影业有限公司拍摄,编剧:Hugh Edward。梗概:碧海蓝天金色沙滩《青年世博会》在美丽的海岛拉开帷幕无数年轻人将欢聚一堂,享受音乐和舞蹈带给他们对心灵的涤荡。美国青年山姆找到一张参与券,他将前往世博会和所有幸运的青年朋友们开启一段璀璨熠熠的梦想之旅。...[欢乐岛详细剧情介绍]

  • 剧情介绍:This sumptuous series tells the story of the most extraordinary river in the world - the Ganges. Human life and nature bustle along her river banks, in a kaleidoscope of colour and energy in this dramatic BBC documentary. From man-hunting tigers to giant lizards, in Ganges the wildlife enc...[恒河详细剧情介绍]