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  • 剧情介绍:传言中午夜是一天中最邪恶的时刻,若有人在此刻死亡,灵魂将永不超生。 1983年一处新加坡训练营,岛上传言有位疯癫妇人于午夜23:59离奇身亡。新兵Tan个性 内向孤僻,总觉得自己将是下一个被女鬼缠上的目标。他尝试向好友Jeremy倾诉女鬼每晚都会来缠着他。在ㄧ次军队24公里长途行军中,军队必须穿越丛林,Tan在...[猛男军中鬼故事详细剧情介绍]

  • 剧情介绍:Struggling to come to terms with the death of her mother, Kim suddenly has to deal with a new mother in her life. Choon, Kim"s father, brings home a woman one day and announces his decision to marry her. A series of mysterious and terrifying incidents start to occur at the family home afte...[鬼仔详细剧情介绍]