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  • 影片地区:海外
  • 影片导演:泰国3台
  • 主要演员:NUM ANN
  • 语言字幕:英语对白  中文字幕
  • 上映时间:2005年  
  • 剧情介绍:1947年,Rachawadee,一个17岁的女孩儿,来到了Kulnaree学校成为一名老师。在学校里,有一个座古老的庄园。Rachawadee...
  • 最后更新:2014-12-05  [三世情缘海报剧照]
  • 8.0 8.0分(117人评价过此片)


1947年,Rachawadee,一个17岁的女孩儿,来到了Kulnaree学校成为一名老师。在学校里,有一个座古老的庄园。Rachawadee 常感觉有人陪伴着她,听过发生在故园里关于王室的传说之后,特别是听了Than-chai* Rangsithorn和Than-chai Yai的故事 以后(他们都在年轻的时候离开了)。 Rachawadee开始对这个庄园感兴趣。到Kulnaree的第一夜,她做了一个梦,梦里有庄园和一首叫做 “Lao Mankaew”的歌。一个男人在梦里叫她Chao Nang Noi。让她惊奇的是,有很多人说她长的像Chao Nang Noi。 Than-chai Yai的灵魂引导她到了河畔的白色别墅。在哪儿她看到了一幅油画,画中的女人非常像她。其他人,Mom- rajawong* Jirayut——学校所有者的儿子,在庄园里第一次见到她的时候就爱上了她。Mom-rajawong* Jirayut的姑姑 Than-ying Wilairekha,被长像酷似Chao Nang Noi的Rachawadee吓到。Chao Nang Noi是来泰国学习 的老挝王室,而Than-ying Wilairekha在Than-chai Yai娶Chao Nang Noi之前曾是他的未婚妻。
Meaningful story about love. The story began when Ann as Rachawadee started her day by coming to the famous school located near the remorse palace of a royal family as a teacher and the teachers was staying in the house near the school, when she was sitting in the car on the way from the main gate through the building of the school she saw a guy with white clothes staring at her, she felt strange but ignored it. The first day she slept on the teacher's dorm she dreamt of the remorse palace and someone calling out her name until she woke up and saw the palace through the window of her room with curiousity. Eventually she knew that she looked like Chak Nang Noi, the bride of the owner of the palace. Chak Nang Noi was a beautiful princess from Lao who was not being akcnowledge since she was not from Thailand royal family even though her aunt was the concubine of the Thai's king. The prince, Chak nang noi aunt's grandson fell for her and created a beautiful song for her, Chak Nang Noi playing the violin while he was playing the piano, both were in love. Hence they got married despite the fact that he had a fiance but his ex-fiance poisoned Chak Nang Noi until she died and the prince also died of sadness. Rachawadee could remember their song and played it with her violin without even realising it.
The prince (Num) ghost was still there waiting for Chak Nang noi to come back, he befriended with Rachwadee and she fell for him one more time. However the prince's ex-fiance was still alive as the owner of the school and her nephew (Chai) who owned the palace was in love with Rachawadee, she tried to hurt Rachawadee by poisoning her but at the end she died of terrible death and Rachawadee still alive. Rachawadee was sad because the prince's spirit who taught her to play piano who she had been in loved with already gone so she lived in temple and died there. Years later the prince had rebirth as the son of the ex-fiance's nephew with evil mother while Rachawadee rebirth as a daugther of Rachawadee's friend and they met again fell in love and overcome the obstacles until they got married and lived in the palace. It's a fate.

终极玩家 第一季/球员赛季全集

终极玩家 第一季/球员赛季
















和好的坏恋人和过去的悲剧 Yuth和瑞萨温蒂一起谈了翻修宫殿,不料Sinee主在一旁偷看到了。瑞萨温蒂和Tawin一起谈了宫殿的事情,她表示Yuth甚至还邀请了Tawin一起去。Arpai(对Tawin表示爱意的人)来了,他约了Tawin走了。Klai向Wan道了歉,还表示自己已将Choy和Yen赶走,Wan这才消了气。但是Wan的父母很担心,因为Klai是个玩世不恭的男人。就在Wan和Klai一起吃饭的时候,Sinee突然来了,他将Yuth和瑞萨温蒂在一起的事情说了出来。事后Wan烦躁不安地离开了,等她走了Klai才自言自语地表示自己也很烦。瑞萨温蒂和Tawin一起带工作人员去了宫殿,工作人员主要是Tawin带的,而瑞萨温蒂则一个人在院子里转,时间又回到了过去:在那时,王子的母亲反复责怪儿子和Jao要好,瑞萨温蒂隐约想起这一切时,竟似乎看见Jao正从自己面前走过。王子的母亲那时辱骂了Jao竟不懂规矩,瑞萨温蒂发呆时,王子又出现了。到了这时候,王子终于决定说完事情的经过:就在母亲做完了刚才回忆的辱骂后,王子又去对Jao表示了爱意,王子的父亲也以坚决的态度对婚姻表示了同意,结果两人终于举办了婚礼。在新婚的夜晚,王子和父亲说了话,可就在进洞房的时候,却发现Jao在那里吐血,王子的父亲怎么也没问出结果,而两人的爱情就这悲哀的情形下结束了。瑞萨温蒂几乎哭了出来,但王子却说现实中好人未必总有好报。事后,Jao一切遗物全被烧毁,贴身女佣想留住可也阻止不了王子母亲的命令……


退婚、旧怨和画像 王子问瑞萨温蒂她想不想成为宫殿的女主人,瑞萨温蒂的回答是否定的。Tawin跑来报告自己和Arapai相处得很好,不料却看见王子隐去的场面,她吓得大叫,幸好瑞萨温蒂谎称自己什么都没看见才解决。Yuth告诉母亲说了自己决定退婚,事后他向Mom提出了这件事,Mom厌恶他表现得优柔寡断。她回忆起当年王子的母亲安慰自己——保证王子会和自己结婚的事情,为此她叫Yuth能公开说出并不爱Wan,不要答应做不到的事情来安慰自己。但事后,她也承认了Wan并不好。Yuth和母亲放心地走了,可Mom却想起了当年的事情:那时候就自己正准备和王子结婚的时候,她和王子的母亲却撞上了王子,他正和Jao在一起,而且当场承认自己爱的是Jao。想到这里,她又把盘子给打碎了。而Yuth这边则正式冷落了Wan,气得她当场在瑞萨温蒂面前大叫。不久,Tawin要完婚了,瑞萨温蒂向她做了祝贺,可她自己的婚姻却还是渺茫的。宫殿还在翻修,Tawin还在考虑缺些什么,王子在一旁暗中提醒是意大利玩偶。之后,Jao的画像被送来了,瑞萨温蒂稀记起这是Jao当年穿洋装画的。Yuth也想到这是Jao的画像,可不明白上面的划痕是谁弄的。



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