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五个被奇异闪电击中从而得到超能力的少年犯:能隐身的西蒙、永生不死的雷森、倒转时光的科蒂斯、让人无法抑制渴望的艾丽莎,以及会读心术的凯莉;在前两季中大家都被各自的超能力折腾得够呛。隐藏着新身份的西蒙也逐渐成为"反社会五人组"的领导者;在新一季中,他跟艾丽莎的感情会怎样发展下去?他能带领五人组摆脱各式各样的麻烦么? 同时一个让剧迷们心碎的消息是,高人气角色雷森的扮演者不再参演第三季;那么最新加入五人组的新面孔鲁迪 (Joe Gilgun 饰)是否能顺利融入团队?随着更多被闪电击中过的人浮出水面,以及超能力贩卖者赛斯(Matthew McNulty 饰)的出现,大家又通过赛斯得到了什么样的新能力?
Stuck doing his community service, new kid on the block Rudy soon realises that he wasn’t the only one caught in the storm – that he’s not the only one trying to come to terms with living with a superpower. But as ever in the Misfits world it is not long before Rudy finds himself in a whole heap of superpower trouble…
Meanwhile the rest of the gang are trying to adapt to life with their new superpowers. But just how did the trade-off with Seth, the superpower dealer, go down?
With zombies on the loose, body-swap confusion, ghostly hauntings from the past and Simon trying to fulfil his destiny to become Superhoodie, things haven’t become any quieter for our gang.
Joe Gilgun and Matthew McNulty join the regular line up alongside Misfits resident delinquents Bafta winner Lauren Socha, Nathan Stewart-Jarrett, Antonia Thomas and Iwan Rheon in the super-sized series which sees its run extended to eight episodes.



原来是一个暗恋simon但最终被他杀死的女孩从中作梗。一直闷骚沉默的simon是这一集的大亮点,先是和暗恋女孩变脸变成的Alisha激情 kj,然后又有和暗恋女孩的kiss和深情告白,还有当女孩变成simon自己时的一人分饰两角,总之各种给力哈!Curtis用他的时空倒退再一次帮大家避免了杀死教工的重大失误,而Nathan这集又死了一次,只不过这次是在Kelly的陪伴下醒过来的,两人各种甜蜜腻歪哈!

