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盖瑞霍布森是一个住在芝加哥的平凡的股票经纪人,有一天早上他发现门口出现了一份芝加哥太阳报和一只黄色的虎斑猫,但他不以为意,直到他发现报纸的日期印错了...印的是隔天的日期,报上报导的都是还没有发生的事情。虎斑猫和报纸连续出现几天之后,霍布森发现自己不仅可以预知未来,而且可以扭转未来。他可以凭著这些资讯在股市大赚一笔,或是防止即将发生的悲剧。 恰克是霍布森最好的朋友,恰克想要利用这份能未卜先知的报纸来发财。但霍布森的失明的同事玛丽莎克拉克,却鼓励霍布森利用他未卜先知的能力造福人类。

明日新闻分集剧情介绍:After being kicked out of his house by his wife, Marcia, stockbroker Gary Hobson is forced to move into a hotel room. There, he starts to receive a mysterious newspaper that is delivered to his door with a yellow cat. At first Gary doesn't think anything of it, but after a while, he realizes that it is tomorrow's edition of theChicago Sun-Times. This gives Gary the opportunity to use the Paper for his own gain or to use it to help people, such as when a bank robbery endangers the life of his friend Marissa Clark. Ultimately he stops the robbery by talking to the robber and after accepting his destiny, plans to send him a winning lottery ticket to help his financial troubles. Guest Stars:Felicity Huffman,Ron Dean,Neil Flynn, andMarc Vann. ...[明日新闻分集剧情]
